Wednesday, February 22, 2012

A little trick

Just thought I would mention, if you get tired of the music on my site or you need to turn it off to see a video, just scroll down to the bottom of the page. I just put it on to brainwash you.

Creative Music

I want one of those outfits...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Twice in one day

Hello again. I know twice in one day; what am I becoming a blogger or something? Anyway I have to admit something. I haven't been writing at all. Shocking, I know. I rolled on the floor weeping insanely as well. Not letters, poems, short stories, lists, nothing. My brain has been turning to mush. It's disgusting - I'm ashamed of myself. However, I wrote three lines last night and so I think I am on the road to recovery. I thought once I started writing it would gush forth from me like the waters of a great river only to find its a trickling. Maybe even a dripping. Yes, I am dripping words. Not gushing. dripping. It came after a long bike ride to the bridge, down the hill of great joy (which I call the hill of great doom when I have to walk up it again to get home) past the rollar blader (I didn't think people did that anymore) under the uneasy bridge, past the bronze man on the bench and to the great white sundial. I sat and watched the river. Then I came home. Now I guess I'm a blogger. I don't know how I feel about that.
Hello all....eight of you. I really wish that I had more of a following then that but I guess I should be satisfied with what I have. Today I bring you Charlie McDonnell who describles himself as an english twenty-something who makes videos. If you enjoy this, you should listen to his music on Spotify. It's just under his name. Get all that? Charlie McDonnell + Spotify = almost as amazing as I am ">

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

month change

February is here already. I'm sitting in the school library, chewing pink gum, waiting for my class to start. I am amazed at the different laughs that echo off the walls. People snicker, guffah, sniff, snort, and mumble. It combines with the clack clack clack of the keyboard and the soft toned hum of voices. There is an argument going on behind me. 30 minutes til class starts.

Friday, January 20, 2012

I am eating a hamburger...except that my hamburger is not a hamburger but is an eggplant. Ya I know. right?